About us


We believe in Responsible Tourism

Our project is based on a deep respect and care for the place where we work. The territory we talk about is our home and the people who are the protagonists of our stories are (or have been) our neighbors.

We do everything in our power to offer our guides quality work, a hard but necessary commitment to fulfill in today's southern Spain.

Finally, as can be seen in the excellent reviews that Walk In Granada has received in the main tourism websites, we offer a quality service to any traveler who decides to discover Granada with us, and always with a personalized service.


We are a vocationally local company, oriented towards a responsible tourism and with a personalized treatment:

For this reason we are mainly dedicated to designing non-standard tourist products, because we know that no one is the same as another, that the richness is in the difference. We want to know who our clients are, how many and what they are looking for. Experience tells us that, for example, a family from New York is not usually looking for the same thing as a group of 30 Erasmus students. And we also know that for both we can organize something different and at the same time unforgettable. So we try to design itineraries, contents and assign guides according to each client, and through our website and our marketing channels, we address directly to those individual tourists who travel to Granada.

If what you are looking for is a local contact who knows places, times, people and thanks to this is able to find the best places and get the best value for money, here we are... We know the narrow streets of the Albayzín, Sacromonte and Realejo for having lived in them and their neighbors are our neighbors: that's why we are sure that we can offer a unique experience to those who, coming from outside, want to optimize and enjoy what we consider one of the best cities in the world (if not the best, but well, we are not impartial in this...).

Because all this makes us be ANOTHER WAY OF BEING TOURISM in Granada.

We also believe that everyone has the right to know the history and culture of a city, and for this to be possible it has to be affordable for everyone. For this reason, since our beginnings, we also offer every day different itineraries of Free Tours, where each person who signs up decides how much he/she wants and can give to the guide in the form of tips at the end of the tour, according to their degree of satisfaction and their economic possibilities: a form of solidarity in the end to make tourism and to value the collective importance of culture. Collective because this opens, for example, the possibility of discovering our city to all those young travelers or students who would be excluded by having to face the standard prices of the tourist market, helping to form new generations of lovers of the cultural, historical and social heritage of Granada (and not only Granada). The direct relationship between customer satisfaction and guide retribution is a guarantee of the high quality we offer, reflected in the excellent ratings about Walk in Granada that can be found in the main tourism websites.

Alhambra quienes somos

We want tourism to be an added value for our neighborhoods and, at the same time, we want our neighborhoods to be an added value for everyone who decides to visit Granada.

What moves us and has moved us from the beginning is the love for this city, its history, its people, its culture and its landscapes. This is why we decided to live here or stay here to live. We believe in the concept of territory, as something complex and dynamic, that needs respect, dedication and an important dose of affection to live it, take care of it, discover it and not waste it.

We believe that historical and cultural heritage is just as important as social heritage: not only do we want to make known the walls and monuments of our city, but also the richness of the people who live among them.

In recent years, more and more voices speak of a tourism that destroys, plunders or spoils territories, cultures and landscapes. Others speak of it as the golden calf, the solution to all the economic ills of a city. We believe that tourism is neither bad nor good in itself, but that it depends on how it is done, on the values and norms that each person has when approaching it. If it is clear that tourism can kill what it wants to make known (monuments visited without care, social environments transformed into a mere product of visual consumption), on the other hand we are convinced that it can be done in an integrated way with the territory, to promote it instead of consuming and destroying it.

This is why we have decided to draft, adopt and promote at local level a code of good practices that contributes to the respect of the neighbors of the neighborhoods we visit, to the preservation of the historical, cultural and social heritage of this city, to the respect of the environment and to the responsible and local consumption.

Consistent with our values, we have worked to create a team of guides who share our vision, who are linked to the territories they present and care for them because they not only represent their present but also their past and their future.

For this reason we have opted to offer dignified and quality work, prioritizing these ideas over mere business profit.

Consistent with our values, we have worked to create a team of guides who share our vision, who are linked to the territories they present and care for them because they not only represent their present but also their past and their future.

If on the one hand we are happy that people decide to discover with our guides the neighborhoods we love so much, on the other hand we always recommend our customers to get lost a little to continue discovering on their own what we present them with our routes... and to consume locally, thus supporting the many small stores that contribute to keep the neighborhood alive and not to transform it into a mere tourist attraction park.

Finally, we are committed to giving something material back to our neighborhoods: part of our company's profits go to NGOs and local development projects so that every step a tourist takes with us is something that "leaves a mark" on these streets, beyond the time of his or her visit.

vistas del albaycín


  1. At the beginning of a tour and during it if necessary, remind our customers to always leave enough space in the streets so that their presence does not interfere with the normal development of the life of the neighbors.
  2. Do not make groups of more than 30 people, being a maximum of 20 tourists per guide the optimal situation to which we aspire.
  3. Respect the rest of the neighbors taking special care with the schedules of the visits, the places where the explanations are made to the group and the tone of voice used.
  4. Promote the consumption of local products and the use of stores in the neighborhoods we visit beyond the pure logic of commissions (do not recommend sites only based on the commissions they offer).
  5. Ask our clients to respect the privacy of the neighbors: it is about people and not monuments. Asking questions before photographing people is a fundamental rule.
  6. Invite our clients to continue discovering the neighborhoods we visit: stay in them to eat, enjoy the cultural and recreational activities they offer.
  7. Ensure that our clients respect the monuments we visit and if possible explain why certain behaviors are harmful.
  8. Reduce the use of motorized means of transport or those that have a significant impact on the environment and/or the quality of life of local residents to the minimum necessary.

Our logo

The Walk In Granada logo has its origin in the Alhambra. It is one of the pieces that make up the extraordinary geometric ceramic patterns that cover the walls of its palaces.

The Walk In Granada logo has its origin in the Alhambra. It is one of the pieces that make up the extraordinary geometric ceramic patterns that cover the walls of its palaces. Nasrid geometric work is an unparalleled exercise in abstraction. It uses, mainly, two basic forms: the square and the circle. The square is the base. It is the recognizable unity among the multiplicity existing in the grid that is formed from it, generating other forms with which harmony is created between the whole and each of its parts. Many mathematicians and also artists, like the Dutchman M. C. Escher, have found in these figures an infinite source of study and inspiration.

Here we show you their development:

Logo process

Our partners around the world

Walk in Granada is a local company that offers guided tours exclusively in Granada. However, we are part of a network of local agencies that have united under the same philosophy: Respect for our cities and responsible tourism. Check out the best local tours around the world at Free Tour Community.

Co-financed projects


WALK IN GRANADA SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information technology and communications and access to them and thanks to which it has developed the implementation of web presence through its own website, web analytics, online promotion service through payment system (SEM) and Dynamization of Social Networks, to improve competitiveness and productivity of the company. [25/10/2019]. For this it has had the support of the TicCámaras Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Granada.


Walk in Granada has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them. Thanks to this aid has been developed in the month of March 2019 a new product called Olfactive Route and a digital catalog of its products. For this it has had the support of the Tourism Competitiveness Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Granada.


Walk in Granada has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund through the Xpande Digital Program, aimed at promoting digital innovation in SMEs. Thanks to this grant, provided by Cámara España through the Chamber of Commerce of Granada, Walk in Granada has developed between March and August 2019 a digital promotion plan (SEO, SEM, RRSS) aimed at the UK market.


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